Last modified: 21. XI 2024
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Historic pictures of Jurgow

Below you can see some old from Jurgow. (Click on the picture to see a bigger copy). Pictures were scanned from old printouts or even from glass negative. Quality is not perfect but some of this pictures have more than 60 years. If you want to see new pictures from Jurgow go to our gallery

Old chapel near to the road. North end of village. Currently is at same place.

Old chapel near to the road. North end of village. Currently is at same place.
Here you can find how it looks now. (2010 year.)

Chapel at the south end of village (around year 1933). Currently in a middle of village.

Chapel at the south end of village (around year 1933). Currently in a middle of village.

Old picture of Jurgow with the Tatra mountains in the background. (circa 1965 year).

Old picture of Jurgow with the Tatra mountains in the background. Picture was taken near the fire station. You can recognize it by old well made of rock out front, (bottom right corner) taken circa 1965 year.

Old houses in Jurgow (around 1965) near the grocery store and Tatra Museum.

The picture above shows old houses in Jurgow (about 1965) near the grocery store and Tatra Museum. Today three of four houses in the picture are still there, but are rebuilt. Second house from the left was removed.

Panorama view of Jurgow from the hill named "Grapa".

(about 1965 year.)
Panorama view of Jurgow from the hill named "Grapa". It is a very steep hill, under which is the Bialka River.

The picture shows old tavern at same place where currently is a grocery store.

The picture shows old tavern at same place where currently is a grocery store. Farther there is a St. Adalbert chapel and St. Sebastian parish church at the back. (around 1933).
Check how it looks now (2010r.)

Jurgow near to the southern end of village arround 1960.

Jurgow near to the southern end of village arround 1960.

Best mens in Jurgow's folclore dress. Probably during wedding.

Best mens in Jurgow's folclore dress. Probably during wedding.

More old pictures you can find when visiting Jurgów. There is exhibition: Jurgow on the old pictures which is in old fire station near to the museum.

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