Last modified: 21. XI 2024
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Links to other pages

Halny & Rumcajs (PL,SK) Interesting web page about Jurgow's history, the village's brass band , the Spisz region, etc.

Official web site of Tatra Museum in Zakopane (PL). Detailed description of division of museum in Jurgów (PL).
Old and not updated version of museum description in English: Tatra Museum in Zakopane - house in Jurgow
Churches at Spisz region (PL) Churches of the Spisz region (PL) About churches located in the Polish part of the Spisz region . . .

Another page about Jurgow (PL) Another page about Jurgow (PL) Another page about Jurgów, including many old pictures from Jurgów.
TARG (EN) Tatra Area Research Group - web page
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