There are many books published about Spisz. Articles about Jurgow are not in all those publications. There is usually some notice about Jurgow etc. In this part we want to show a list of most interesting publications about Spisz and Jurgow from our point of view. Quality of publications depends who was editor etc. Some are objective some not very much. Spisz region is multinational region. Many nationalities as Slovak, German, Hungarian, Polish, Gypsies lives there. Some authors want to prove that it was (and is) different. When you read publications about Spisz carefully that you can learn many interesting things.
We are not selling below books. If some of them can be obtained from some other source it is explicitely listed for each book.
Original title: SPISZ wielokulturowe dziedzictwo
Publication was published as a part of project: Otwarte regiony Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej (Open regions of middle-east Europe)
Ośrodek "Pogranicze - sztuk, kultur, narodów"
ISBN: 83-904749-0-5
Language: Polish
Very interesting publication, where you can find many point of views to Spisz region. Most of materials in this book is trying to be objective but some times it's a little different.
Krzysztof Czyżewski - Otwieranie Spisza, str. 3 (Opening of Spisz)
Antoni Kroh - Spisz, Spiš, Zips, Szepes, str. 9
Tadeusz Łopatkiewicz - O nieznanej kolekcji dziewiętnastowiecznych listów chłopskich ze Spisza, str. 43 (Unknown letters from XIXth century from villager from Spisz)
Tadeusz M. Trajdos Polscy plebani na Zamagurzu Spiskim str. 59 (Polish priests in Zamagurze area)
Michał Jagiełło - Jurgów i okolice str. 68 (Jurgow and surrounding area)
This part of a book is about celebrations of 450 anniversary when Jurgow was established. It's interesting for this people which are interested on nationality problem in Spisz region. Publication describe problems which happen after Organization for Slovak minority in Poland as one of the organizer organized celebrities of Jurgow anniversary. Problem was also described in Polish all country newspapers as Rzeczpospolita and Gazeta Wyborcza. Was widely described in local newspaper: Tygodnik Podhalański. Michał Jagiełło have been on this celebrities as a vice Ministry of Culture of Poland.
Adrienne Körmendy Osadnictwo na Spiszu w XII-XIV wieku. Podłoże wielokulturowości Spisza str. 115 (Colonization of Spisz in XII - XIV century. Bases for multicultural at Spisz region)
Ján Olejník Żupa Spiska str. 135
Original title: Z dziejów mniejszości słowackiej na Spiszu i Orawie w latach 1945-1957
Author: Julian Kwiek
Towarzystwo Słowaków w Polsce
Kraków 2002
ISBN: 83-87842-97-4
Language: Polish
Very good publication about Slovak minority living in part of Spisz and Orava region which belongs to Poland.
Original title: Zagadnienia z kultury Podhala Spisza i Orawy
Podhalańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk w Nowym Targu
Muzeum Tatrzańskie im. dr Tytusa Chałubińskiego w Zakopanem
Nowy Targ - Zakopane 1986
ISBN: 0239-8192
Language: Polish (partially dialect)
Jan Pluciński - Dzieciństwo Spiszaka (Young years of Spisz's child)
Pius Jabłoński - Z Orawy w świat (From Orava to the world)
Wanda Jostowa - Zwyczaje doroczne ludności polskiej Orawy (Yearly habit of people form Polish Orava)
Stanisław Wałach - Nazewnictwo ludowe na południowo-wschodnich stokach Babiej Góry (Popular names at south-eastern hillside of Babia Gora)
Jan Pluciński - Przezwiska mieszkańców Jurgowa na polskim Spiszu (Nicknames of people in Jurgow at Polish Spisz)
Franciszek Kott - Wesele orawskie w dawnych czasach (Orava's wedding in ancient time)
Publications is stressing on a point of view from polish nationality living in Jurgow. Most interesting part is about Nicknames of people in Jurgow..., it is list of all surnames of Jurgow's inhabitants. It does not contain surnames of people which have recently came to the Jurgów but all original Jurgow surnames are listed there with brief description of the orgin. Another interesting part of this book is Young years of Spisz's child.
Original title: Wesele Spiskie
Author: Jan Pluciński
Author: Krystyna Kwaśniewicz
Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczna 1987
ISBN: 83-224-0301-1
Language: Polish
Publication about Spisz's wedding. As example wedding in Lapsze Nizne was taken. You can find there note prescription of songs which people sign during wedding etc.
Original title: Śpiewnik górali polskich
Editor: Beskidzkie Towarzystwo Oświatowe
Milówka 2004
ISBN: 83-906872-2-4
Language: Polish
Book with goral songs form Poland, also from Spisz and Orava regions. Songs have many versions which differs from Spisz area as a base for this book, version of songs from Lapsze Nizne area was taken. Version of some songs in Jurgov area is a little bit different.
Original title: Pierwszy męski obóz krajoznawczy w Jurgowie
Kraków 1935
Language: Polish
This book is a diary of the persons which attended first touring camp in Jurgów.
Original title: Dzieje i współczesność Jurgowa 1546-1996
Editor: Towarzystwo Słowaków w Polsce
Kraków/Cracow 1996
ISBN: 83-902502-7-6
Language: Polish, Slovak
Small book about our small village edited at 450 anniversary of our village. Book was written by professor Józef Ciągwa. Is written in two languages: Polish and Slovak. At the end of book there is a few pictures of old village.
Original title: Atlas strojów ludowych
Editor: Polskie Towarzystwo Ludoznawcze
Edited 1954
Reprint by: (Book can be purchased from editor)
Reprint year 2010
ISBN: 978-83-931086-0-2
Language: Polish
Book with detailed description of folklore costumes of Spisz's area including Jurgów.
Towarzystwo Słowaków w Polsce - Association of Slovak Community in Poland
We are not selling above books. If some of them can be obtained from other source it is explicitely listed for each book.